Installing 2.5" SSD on PowerSpec G706

Hi, all. 
I am wanting to install a supplemental SSD on my machine (purchased a pre-built PowerSpec G706) to expand storage. I have identified the 2.5" bays, but I am unsure if there is an available power line from the power supply. Is there an easy way to determine this? I don't see any loose connectors, and the wiring is bundled and tied in multiple locations, which is great for management, but it makes it more difficult to poke around.
Any help or advice is much appreciated!


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    That power supply should provide 6 SATA power connectors. If you remove the back panel it'll be a little easier to get to. This can vary quite a bit but usually the SATA power cables are bundled directly in front of the power supply.
  • TSMikeW said:
    That power supply should provide 6 SATA power connectors. If you remove the back panel it'll be a little easier to get to. This can vary quite a bit but usually the SATA power cables are bundled directly in front of the power supply.
    Thanks for the information! I'll pull off the back panel this weekend and poke around.
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