Why does "Disable compatibility filter" keep on getting checked ?

I am creating a build, and for some reason "Disable compatibility filter" keeps on getting checked for several components, but not all of them.  If I go through each major category (Core, CPU Cooling, etc) and make sure all the check marks are cleared, and then I save it, as soon as it's finished saving, the check marks reappear. e.g.  on the Core components they are everywhere except the RAM and the Hard Drive sub-components.
Any ideas what's going on ? I do not want to buy a bunch of components only to discover that they are incompatible.
HELP !!! 


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    I was testing this to see if I could replicate the issue. I was not able to. Please provide a link to your build and we'll look it over. We'll verify it's compatible for you and investigate what's going on with our site.
  • JasonA
    JasonA ✭✭
    Name Dropper First Comment
    This is my build.
    I would definitely appreciate feedback on the compatibility (or lack thereof) ASAP as I've reserved all the parts for pickup late last night and just got an e-mail saying they're ready at the store.
    To try and give myself a bit of sanity, I ran it through PC Parts Picker, and it flagged that there *MIGHT* a height issue with the Hyper 212 EVO and the case.  I say *MIGHT* because they say that some dimensions aren't checked fully e.g. for coolers. That has me worried.  Also, they do not have your in-house PowerSpec PSUs in their system, so I don't know if that presents an issue.  Using a different brand gave me a warning (on PC Part Picker) that the particular Gigabyte Z390 UD motherboard has an extra 4-pin ATX connector.
    What are the practical implications (good or bad) of choosing the PowerSpec 650 modular supply (SKU 405217) rather than the semi-modular one (SKU 686089) that I current have in my build ? Specifically, with regard to ease-of-build and overall compatibility with my other components ?
  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    The only questionable thing here is the cooler and case as you mentioned. The case allows for a cooler up to 157mm tall, and the EVO 212 is 159mm tall, By the specifications this will cause a problem. And you don't want the cooler resting on the side panel. I'd suggest swapping it for an NZXT H510 or a LianLi LanCool II. Those are at least 165mm of clearance, higher on the LanCool II. Everything else is fine.

    With the modular power supply, it's potentially a little easier with cable management, but not much of a different overall. Generally semi-modular means the 24 and 8 pins are premantly attached. The cables you're not likely to need are removable for beter cable management. 
  • JasonA
    JasonA ✭✭
    Name Dropper First Comment
    edited May 2020
    Thanks for the reply @TSMikeW ! Are there any other cooling options that would still work for my particular Corsair SPEC-02 case and the i7-9700 that are carried by Micro Center ? Or is my only option to change the case ?
    If I go with the LanCool II case, do you have any recommendations regarding the fans in the case ? I watched the Gamers Nexus review and they suggested that cooling was perhaps not as good as it could be relative to other cases, and that an extra fan was needed. Do you have any particular thoughts about this ?
    Finally, were you able to figure out why the system builder always keeps changing the "Disable compatibility filter" setting ?
    The Gamers Nexus review is at:
  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    No update on the compatability filter. I did the same build and wasn't having the issue. Must be something stored in the profile. Probably need to delete the saved build and recreate it, but we'll look into it further.

    For cooling, water would be a good option. No issues with height on a water block. On my build I moved the front fans to the top and added a 360MM radiator with 3x120MM on the front. I never ran it stock, runs just fine in that configuration on my overclocked 3900X. 

    I apologize for the delayed response on this. Was out for the weekend and this is the first time I saw your reply.
  • JasonA
    JasonA ✭✭
    Name Dropper First Comment
    Hi @TSMikeW.  I went to your Yonkers store on Friday and got all the parts, and then spent Saturday slowly and carefully assembling everything. I went with the Hyper 212 EVO, and though it’s an older CPU cooler, it seems more than capable than doing the job (without me pushing the CPU using overclocking). I can appreciate how using water cooling can reduce the case size, but I’ve got the Lancool II now and there’s plenty of room (even if the case is approx. 9” wide !!!). I put two of the provided fans in the front of the case, with one exhaust fan located in the top part of the rear panel. Running FurMark to stress the GPU showed me that I can keep the GPU at no more than 65 degrees C, and when pushing the CPU hard with my typical workload it’s staying cool enough (I can’t remember the maximum temperature that I saw - sorry !).
    Once again, thanks for all your help. You are 110% entitled to take a day or two off for the Memorial Day Weekend !!! I hope that you did something to relax and forget about work and COVID-19 for a while !
  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    Glad you're enjoying it and yes, the LanCool II is a cavern compared to a lot of cases out there. Temps shouldn't be a problem with even the stock cooler, the EVO 212 will do a great job. Let us know if you have any other questions in the future.
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