Windows 10 logged me into a temporary account
After updating Windows 10, I can no longer sign into my account. I'm instead told I cannot sign into my account and I have been logged into a temporary account without most of my files. Is there any way to fix this and re-enter my normal profile? Thanks for any help
There is. You'll need to edit the registry to do so. The path to the profile keys is: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList
Basically what you'll notice is the that it's made your main account a backup and the temp account the primary. You'll see this in the name of the profile, it'll end with a .bak. The trick is to switch it around. So you rename the temp to .ba, then on the primary you remove the .bak. Then rename the temp to .bak. This bug has been around for a long time and there are a lot of guides out there on it. There's a caveat on 10 that's new though. You need to set the State key on your profile to 0. Otherwise it'll generate duplicate profiles and you'll have a real mess.
I would caution you to attempt this with caution. It's a registry edit, you can make your system completely unbootable if you make a mistake here. This fix would be done at your own risk. If you need assistance give us a call. We do charge if your not within our 90 days of support but we can get something like this taken care of for you in a few minutes.
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