G352 Powerspec PC randomly rebooting

I bought a Powerspec G352 for my son two years ago. For more than a year, the computer would randomly reboot while he played Rocket League or used his video editing software. It has gotten progressively worse - reboots more frequently. We are trying to figure out what is causing this. There is never a Windows 10 message indicating that the Operating System encountered an error. We don't think it is the graphics card temperature at it gets to 82-83 C under test and the PC doesn't shut off. Thinking it could be a faulty reset switch or the cpu chip temp hitting some limit. Maybe the 600W power supply is failing?


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    We're sorry to hear about the issues with your system and we'll provide all that advice and assistance that we can here. If you're just experiencing a restart, no BSOD. System comes back on by itself, this sounds like an intermittent power interruption. You're going to work that from it's source. I would test another outlet/surge protector first. Then I would replace the power cord if it's possible. Next is the power supply, this is where it gets tough. It's intermittent, if you test it, it'll pass. Could be the motherboard.

    Reset switch is possible. I've only seen it happen once, and it was actually a damaged section of cable. Couldn't figure out why the system was restarting until I realized it was when someone either ran a vacuum near it or brushed up against it with a coat with a lining that builds up a static charge.. Easy enough to test though. On the F_PANEL, you'll four connectors. Top left is usually split into two, that's PLED. To the right is the power switch. Below the powers witch is the reset switch. To the left is the HDD LED. You can pull it off and leave it unplugged. Bottom row, 3rd and 4th pin from the left.

    Regarding temps, if you hit a shutdown temp on the CPU, it'll shut off, it will not restart on its own. With the GPU it'll become unstable, it may cause the display driver to crash and the card would become unresponsive, you'd get a black screen, but the system would stay on.
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