How can I access my tablet?

edited June 2021 in Prebuilt PCs and Laptops
When I start my tablet now all I get is a message saying, "Undoing changes made to your computer". It stops and seems like it's ready to turn on but then it goes through the whole process again, originally I let it go through this process for the whole day. Do I need to reset it? This table is a TW 102.


  • Sounds like the boot sector got horribly corrupted. 
  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    It's stuck in an update loop. You'll need a hub, a windows 10 ISO, keyboard and a mouse.

    You can create the windows 10 ISO here:

    First make sure to create 32 bit media, not 64 bit. You can change the boot order to a flash drive or you can use the UEFI shell also. Nice option to have, you could just copy the the files from an ISO onto a flash drive or hard drive and manually boot to that with the UEFI shell. Just select the drive and it's like bash. 'ls' to list folder contents. Find the efi file to boot to. I believe it's  \EFI\boot\bootx86.efi (for 32 bit) and it'll startup for you.

    Once you're in we need to access the command prompt. You can go Repair > Trouble shoot > Command Prompt or just press Shift + F10.

    First lets try to revert it with DISM: DISM /Image:C:\ /cleanup-image /revertpendingactions

    Let this run it and it'll basically cancel the update. Reboot, you'll still get a warning, but it should actually revert then boot normally.

    Option 2 is a manual way to do this with the pending files.  You'll need to navigate to C:\Windows\WinSXS
    Commands for this:

    cd Windows\WinSXS

    Now we're looking for a pending.xml file, there are probably two, and one will have a ridiculously long string attached to the name. So we'll use a wildcard to see both, type: dir pending*

    This is going to show you all files that begin with pending. You'll see two files and we just want to remove them. If it's just the two delete, again using a wildcard: del pending*

    Reboot after this, it should again fail the update, but it will roll out of it this time.

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