Bundles and availability

edited June 2021 in General Discussion
I wanted to get a deal with a CPU and a motherboard for $20 less but the CPU I want isn't in stock. Would I be able to add the CPU to my cart and get the deal even if I already reserve the motherboard separately? I would like the Ryzen 5 3600 so if there are any updates about an estimated date of when it will be restocked, could you also tell me that too?


  • @AMDisBETTER Good morning and thank you for posting your questions to the Micro Center Community!
    If you've placed a reservation for a Motherboard, and you come to pick up your order and also add a CPU that is listed as eligible for the bundle, the deal would be applied. If you've purchased the Motherboard and are within 15 days of the purchase, and 10 days later you come to store to purchase a CPU that is now in stock, you would get the deal if you provide the receipt to the Motherboard purchase with the box and form of payment used in hand. If making the CPU purchase after 15 days of the Motherboard purchase, this would not be applied. 

    For restocking times we would not have exact dates, though these CPUs have an estimated 1-2 week restocking time. There may be delays on shipments due to COVID-19, though as soon as a shipment is received our website will be updated. 

    If you have any additional questions regarding our bundling options and inventory, please let us know. Stay safe and have a great day!
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