Should I bring my built pc or the parts

So I’m going to micro center tomorrow to flash my pc’s bios and was wondering which is more convenient for the employees at microcenter, if I bring my built pc with everything, or if I bring the parts that are asked?


  • PowerSpec_MichaelB
    PowerSpec_MichaelB ✭✭✭✭✭
    25 Answers 5 Insightfuls 500 Comments 5 Up Votes
    ferret63 said:
    So I’m going to micro center tomorrow to flash my pc’s bios and was wondering which is more convenient for the employees at microcenter, if I bring my built pc with everything, or if I bring the parts that are asked?
    Welcome to the forum, @ferret63, my apologies for the late response. I would recommend bringing in your system as you currently have it. If it's assembled, bring it in assembled and our service team can assist with getting your BIOS updated. If you have any further questions, please let us know!
  • Thank you so much! And I wanted to ask if I bought the parts from Microcenter, how much is the bios flashing then? And also if I need to schedule it on the website.
  • TSTonyV
    TSTonyV ✭✭✭✭✭
    250 Likes Fourth Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Answers
    edited June 2020
    BIOS flashing is $29.99, which applies even if you purchased the parts from us. You're always welcome to ask service about this and they may be willing to work with you on that, but it would be at their discretion. An appointment is not required. 

    Also, I went ahead and deleted the duplicate threads you made earlier, so we're not answering the same question in multiple places. 
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