Windows 10 update will not complete
I was prompted to install an update to my HP notebook back in late Feb/ early Mar. The system told me I needed more storage for the install so I connected an external hard drive to my notebook, the updates downloaded and installed but when I went to restart for completion, it never finished installing and I keep getting the black screen with the message "undoing changes made to your computer". This has been going on since then and it never stops trying to install and uninstall the updates.
Hello @adt316! Welcome to the Community.
Microsoft actually has a comprehensive guide on fixing Windows update related issues. You can view it here:
That will walk you through everything you can do to troubleshoot Windows Update problems. If you can make it through the whole thing and the updates still fail, there's either some weird hardware issue causing it, or there's some corruption in Windows that would likely require a clean reinstall of the OS to fix.
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