Fix BIOS Mismatch

Somehow my motherboard shipped with the incorrect BIOS but has been working fine and I'm just now noticing. I'm attempting to update my ASRock B450M Pro4-F motherboard to its latest BIOS but the current BIOS is for an ASRock X470 Taichi and won't detect the image file for the B450 update. However, it will detect the image file for the X470 update, but I know flashing that would risk bricking my board. Any ideas on how to correct this?


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    That's certainly an interesting problem. If you could provide is with some information. A picture or screenshot of the BIOS where the model and BIOS version are displayed. Also please screenshot the motherboard and BIOS info out of CPU-Z if you have it. How long have you had this motherboard for?
  • TSMikeW said:
    That's certainly an interesting problem. If you could provide is with some information. A picture or screenshot of the BIOS where the model and BIOS version are displayed. Also please screenshot the motherboard and BIOS info out of CPU-Z if you have it. How long have you had this motherboard for?
    Unfortunately, the problem has developed further now and I'm unable to boot into windows to take any screenshots. But I do remember looking at CPU-Z earlier and it said the model was an X470 Taichi and the BIOS version was 3.43 for the X470 Taichi ( I've had this board since August 2019 but this is the first time I've attempted to update the BIOS.
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