Remove partitions from WinBook 801
This tablet has a 32 GB drive, but a BIOS check shows 3 other partitions. How can I remove the Backup or Recovery partition to create a larger storage space?
Hello @grpnkc
If you have system protection enabled then you can disable that in Windows to save some recovery space.
In the search box on the taskbar, type Create a restore point and select it from the list of results. On this screen, you will see 'Configure...'.
Click on that and you will have the option to disable system protection or decrease the amount of storage capacity the restore points can use.
Other than that, the only way to remove the backup and recovery partitions entirely would be by reinstalling Windows. When you reinstall it displays all the partitions on the drive. You can then delete all of the partitions (Be sure to back up your data first!) and install Windows. If you have at least an 8 GB USB flash drive, then you can create your own Windows 10 bootable drive with the media creation tool. You can download it here:
Press "Windows +R" on your keyboard and type: recoverydrive
Run the tool. It'll move the recovery partition to a flash drive for you. At the end, it'll prompt you to delete the recovery partition. This step is optional.
This is only going to remove the recovery partition. The other two are system and MSR reserved. Don't remove these partitions, they're relatively small.
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