Looking to build my first pc for 500 dollars or buy a prebuilt this is gonna be mainly for warzone

This build will be mostly for warzone willing to spend around 500$ usd or even try a prebuilt FYI my first build 


  • @Hernanl24
    We have some good budget builds around the 500-600 range but these are not going to be capable of running a game like Warzone. That game requires some very good hardware when playing on a PC. Now, you do have some options though. 
    First, I recommend looking at the specs Activision recommends for the game here. Now, I understand you do not want to exceed your budget of $500 but you may have to for a PC that can handle Warzone. What I think might be best for you is to buy a PowerSpec B677 for $529.99, then adding a video card like an RX 580 or a GTX 1660 when you are able to. 
    Another option is a PowerSpec G162 or PowerSpec G163 as they both come with an RX 580 graphics card and they would exceed or meet the recommended specs for Warzone. Now, these are 769.99 and 799.99 so they definitely are a bit more than you are looking to spend.
    I recommend these as they are the most affordable yet still give you good performance when gaming. 
    Let us know what you think. I hope this helps. 
  • Hernanl24
    First Comment
    edited August 2020
    @TS_JosephF Im upping my budget to around 600 and gonna buy hopefully get a pc by Christmas time and still looking to run games like warzone and still willing to build a pc or buy a prebuilt and another question do I need to buy windows are can i just use the free version to play games and stuff 
  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes

    The product key is required to install Windows 10. You will have a water mark in the bottom right indicating you need to activate, and you will not be able to install programs that require activation. Mainly, Microsoft Office. You still receive updates to the OS.
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