Very slow performance on new Inland Performance 2TB SSD 3D NAND M.2 2280 PCIe NVMe 4.0 x4

edited January 2021 in General Discussion
I purchased this PCIe 4 SSD in August and it never seemed much faster than my old SSDs.  Today I finally ran it through a few benchmarks and it scores extremely low.  I do have PCIe 4 as I have a Asus ROG STRIX X570-E GAMING motherboard paired with an AMD 3900x.  This 2tb SSD is about half full and is used as my main C: drive w/ Win10 installed.  
When using, I get an average of 2000 MB/s read / 3400 MB/s write.  This is more resembles PCIe v3 speeds.  CrystalDiskMark seems to indicate that read speeds are good, but write speeds hit a max of 980 MB/s!  I am using the heatsink that came w/ this drive.  I didn't see anything in the bios to configure this drive and it works fine, except for the speed.  Any ideas?


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    I run the 1TB version of this drive with the same motherboard and CPU. It certainly does sound like it's under performing. You should not need to adjust any BIOS setting to optimized the performance of your drive. Could you post your CrystalMark results here?
  • I also have issues with the Inland drive, in my case it is a 1TB model.  I have ordered and it is on the way.  Passmark's benchmark shows read values around 2600 and write of 480.  Crystal diskmark shows values of 4970 and 1070 for read/write respectively.  At this point I am about to declare that the Inland drives are a piece of crap and will review it as such.  IMHO these are the worst supported drives I have ever seen.
  • @stalag Which CrystalMark test did you run on the drive you mentioned? I've not had had issues with the drive that I own personally, but you're definitely right to voice your opinion as you see fit.
  • The latest build of crystal disk mark. I have been building computers for 30 years. The last time I had a drive failure in less than a year was 25 years ago 
  • Mind sharing a screencap of your results here? I'd be interested in seeing them and I'd be happy to share them.
    If you could provide the rest of your system specs as well. That'd be great!
    Based on the speeds you mention above it does seem to be underperforming in write speed. However, the drive is covered by a 3-year warranty.
  • I bought one of those to back up an ailing hard drive with TONS of stuff from my late wife and I... stuff that I NEED because we had an album recorded for Paramount records and... now the thing isn't reading or writing! 3 year warranty... yea that's great... what I wanted was not to have to worry about my stuff! Now I have to try to resurrect a hard drive I was hoping to never have to use again... wtf?!? I mean... are they just crap?

    The thing was FOR a mac... yet my Mac had no idea there was a HD there until I made it hunt for it... then had for format it for the thing... I at beginning to detest that place... I've never been asked if I needed help there... EXCEPT when I bought this hard drive... AFTER I had picked it out... the guy asked me to say he recommended it to me...? I guess they get a commission... but they don't apparently want to work for it... I mean... what's the point of a SS drive? I thought I was getting something a little more reliable than styluses flicking around constantly.... seems that would be EASY to do with no moving parts... I'm friggin stressed... the thing literally never worked... I got it to upload the data from the hard drive... and I never got a single piece out of it. Now I get to go back and get another one? ok... the steam has partially disippated from under my collar... nope... still pissed.

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