V-NAND Technology (Samsung 860 SSD 512GB Pro Internal eSata iii)

I have a Vision Desktop PC purchased/built in 2011, running Windows Professional.  I had a Samsung 256GB internal SSD installed in 2013.  Space is getting tight so I am looking to replace it with a Samsung 860 Pro SSD 512GB.  The product mentions V-NAND technology.  Is it safe to assume that if I already have a Samsung 256GB internal SSD running that the V-NAND technology on the Samsung 860 SSD 512GB will not be an issue with my motherboard?  Or is it possible the new V-NAND technology would not be compatible?


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    The type of NAND flash memory isn't going to be an issue with compatibility. The Samsung 860 is a 2.5" SATA III drive, it's ging to work just fine. My only concern would be if the board doesn't have SATA III, but is limited to SATA II, that'll limit the performance of the drive, but it's backwards compatible.
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