Need help choosing case fans

Hello! I am trying to find a 120mm/140mm fan with a good compromise between looks and silence. Can anyone recommend me a good case fan?


  • Also btw I am using an MSI motherboard.
  • TSTonyV
    TSTonyV ✭✭✭✭✭
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 250 Likes 25 Answers
    Noctua fans will always get a recommendation, the NF-A12 and NF-A14 are both excellent. It looks like we only carry the brown/tan versions, but Noctua does sell versions of these fans in black that you can find on their website and online. If you're looking for a combination of good performance AND being quiet, Noctua is pretty much the way to go. 

    The Corsair ML120 and ML140 fans are good as well, but they can get pretty loud at higher RPMs. If you keep them at lower RPM they're still fairly quiet, though not as quiet as the Noctuas from what I've read. 
  • It really depends, on the case and what your ultimate desire for the fans purpose. Noctua as TSTonyV said:
    Noctua fans will always get a recommendation, the NF-A12 and NF-A14 are both excellent. It looks like we only carry the brown/tan versions, but Noctua does sell versions of these fans in black that you can find on their website and online. If you're looking for a combination of good performance AND being quiet, Noctua is pretty much the way to go. 

    The Corsair ML120 and ML140 fans are good as well, but they can get pretty loud at higher RPMs. If you keep them at lower RPM they're still fairly quiet, though not as quiet as the Noctuas from what I've read. 
    Are a good starting looking point but if you don't mind a larger possibly larger case theres always also the idea of opting for simply larger fans. >.> may cost a bit more but you can at a certain point still achieve rather quiet decibiles
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