Need suggestions on where to go next

TLDR: I have an i5 3470 and an rx 560 but want to move to triples for Iracing.

I've had my rig for a while now, i purchased it from a friend who builds computers because at the time i didn't know what i was doing. I am ready to make some upgrades and wanted to get some advice. I do not play a lot of games. Mainly iracing, and a few other driving sims. I am running an i5 3470 with an RX 560. I get about 180 FPS on Iracing on high settings.  But i want to move to a triple monitor set up. I know the processor is going to need to get upgraded when i get a more powerful GPU. So i was hoping for some feedback and suggestions. I know how to build PC's now but my knowledge on parts is not as vast as i would like. Thanks.


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    It's going to vary based on the resolution of the triple monitor setup. At 1080P, assuming you're running at a higher refresh rate, lets say 144Hz. And you're trying to maintain an FPS in that range, I'd consider an RTX 2060 Super minimum, and a 2070 Super preferable. If you're going 3x1440P,  you should step up to the RTX 2080.
  •  I actually have been looking at the 2060 super, what kind of cost effective processor would you recommend to avoid bottlenecks?  i apologize i have a typo on my initial post, in game with 40 plus online cars being populated im getting about 108 frames per second with all high setttings. That fps is totally acceptable for me. I only want to go to 1080p on the triples. I don't have the budget for 4k, honestly i don't use it enough to justify those costs., i game 2-3 hours a day that's about it.
  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    edited July 2020
    You can go Ryzen 5 3600 or i5-9400F on a budget. They're both around $150-180.
  • Thanks for your input!

  • PowerSpec_MichaelB
    PowerSpec_MichaelB ✭✭✭✭✭
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 25 Answers 100 Likes
    I'd add that if you can swing it, the Core i5 10400 is out and offers HyperThreading, unlike the 9400F. It's also priced at $180, $35 more than the 9400F. I personally think the Ryzen 5 3600 at $160 is the best deal out of the 3, as price:performance wise, it matches the Core i5 10400 while having a strong platform, overclocking support and a stronger upgrade path at the moment. I wouldn't consider a 9400F at this time with 9th gen being phased out, as it might be difficult to find a faster CPU for that platform in the future unless you shop used.
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