My new Logitech C920s Webcam won't read on my new Acer Nitro XV272U monitor

My new Webcam Logitech C920s directions simply say plug it into the USB port on the back of the monitor and I should be ready to go (I tried both USB ports to no avail). And when I click on Camera in the Start menu I get a "We cant find your Camera" message? The error code is: 0xA00F4244 <NoCamerasAreAttached>
The camera does not show up in settings either. What gives?


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    I'd check to make sure it installed properly first. Right click "Start" and open "Device Manager". I'd expect to see it under Imaging Devices or Cameras. If it's not or those categories don't exist, look for errors under "Other" or "Universal Serial Bus Controllers".
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