Streaming pc only no games being played on it as I use console for that. Feed back please
So if you're just using the PC to stream and not actually do any gameplay, the 3900X is honestly really overkill. The 3900X is really good at multi-threaded workloads like 3D rendering and video editing, and is good for gaming and streaming at the same time, but if you're just streaming you'll never even come close to fully utilizing it.
If the PC exists just to be a dedicated streaming rig and you never plan to play anything on it, I'd go with something like a Ryzen 5 3600 + GTX 1650 Super instead. The 1650 Super is cheaper than the 1660 but still has the same NVENC encoder that's shared on all the new RTX cards from NVIDIA, so you won't lose any quality and save some money. You can just use the GPU to do all the encoding legwork and leave your CPU for other resources like notifications, overlays, and such, but even if you go heavy on those a 3600 would have more than enough resources.
If you want to see this advice in action, I'd watch this video:
This will show a comparison of performance for a dedicated streaming PC using different CPUs and the NVENC encoder on an RTX 2070 and a GTX 1660 (again, same encoder is used on the 1650 Super as well) -
Well the thing is I'm trying to stream in 4k, an want my game play looking clear as a Samsung flat screen tv lol I know something about pc but not a whole lot.
When you say stream in 4k, are you trying to broadcast to viewers in 4k? Or are you playing in 4K, but broadcasting to viewers in a smaller resolution like 1080p? There's honestly a lot of things you have to consider for this.
Firstly, to get this out of the way, the NVENC encoder on NVIDIA cards is a separate, dedicated piece of hardware on the card that handles the encoding process. This is why I recommended the 1650 Super. It may be a budget card, but the NVENC encoder is the exact same as the one you'd get on a 2080 ti. And because your GPU would be handling all the encoding and there's no pressure on your CPU, you can easily save money on the CPU while still having plenty of resources left for any other stuff you want to add.
Second, broadcasting in 4k would require an extremely high bandwidth connection. If streaming 4k/30FPS you'll minimum need 13000 for your bitrate, but probably more, especially if you're playing high-motion content like FPS games or action games. If you don't have the upload speed to support that kind of bitrate, then you'll have issues with dropped frames, stuttering and image quality. And, personally speaking, I don't think there's much of a point in broadcasting at 4k resolution. Most people do not have 4K displays that would even be able to take advantage of that quality. 1080p is far more comfortable from a bandwidth perspective while still being high-quality for the vast majority of potential viewers.
You also cannot broadcast at 4k resolution on Twitch, you would have to use Youtube as your streaming service, in case you weren't aware.
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