Can you run a Ryzen 5 3600 with B450 Gaming Pro Carbon/AC??

BlazerBuddy ✭✭
Second Anniversary 10 Comments Photogenic 5 Likes
edited June 2021 in General Discussion
For the B450 Gaming Pro Carbon/AC, will I have to flash the bios for it to work with Ryzen 5 3600 or not??


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    Yes, it'll run it. Regarding the BIOS, it did need a BIOS, but this BIOS update came out last May. It's unlikely you're going to get a board old enough to require a BIOS update, especially if you're buying from Micro Center. Also, that board has flashback, you can update the BIOS without a CPU installed.
  • TSMikeW said:
    Yes, it'll run it. Regarding the BIOS, it did need a BIOS, but this BIOS update came out last May. It's unlikely you're going to get a board old enough to require a BIOS update, especially if you're buying from Micro Center. Also, that board has flashback, you can update the BIOS without a CPU installed.
    Alright cool, and is it possible to run 3600mhz ram on that board since it says it can run 3466mhz ram??
  • TSMikeW said:
    Yes, it'll run it. Regarding the BIOS, it did need a BIOS, but this BIOS update came out last May. It's unlikely you're going to get a board old enough to require a BIOS update, especially if you're buying from Micro Center. Also, that board has flashback, you can update the BIOS without a CPU installed.
    Alright cool, and is it possible to run 3600mhz ram on that board since it says it can run 3466mhz ram??
    Possible? Yes, however it's important to be mindful that you may run into stability issues if you attempt to load an XMP/DOCP profile without some additional tweaking. For the most part, those "supported speeds" mostly mean that those are the speeds MSI tested the board at, not what the boards really capable of doing. If you do try 3600 and it doesn't work, you can try adjusting voltages & timings to make it work, or simply drop the frequency down a little to see if that works.
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