Help choosing parts
Hello, I would like some help upgrading my PC that I bought on Amazon when it was on sale. I would like to upgrade some part but I do not know what parts to upgrade. I think I want to upgrade the graphics card but other than that I don't know yet. My budget for total upgrades is around $1,000. I couldn't use the PC builder to show what parts I have so I found a link where it lists the technical specs. Hope it helps.
The first two upgrades I would look at would be the CPU, GPU and RAM, but depending on how exactly you want to upgrade this could look different in a few ways.
The link you posted says the chipset on the board is A320, so if you wanted to install a third-generation Ryzen CPU, you'd also need to replace the motherboard. You could install a different 1st or 2nd generation Ryzen CPU without needing to replace the board, so that might be a better option. Personally I'd look for something like the Ryzen 5 2600X or Ryzen 5 1600AF if you want to go that route, but we don't carry those anymore unfortunately. IF you're okay with replacing the board, you could look at the Ryzen 3 3300X + a B450 motherboard to pair with it.
Also, do you know what kind of PSU is in the system and what the power rating is for it? The R7 240 GPU is a low-profile card that doesn't require a lot of power, and the PSU will determine what kind of GPU we can install without replacing it.
I believe the PSU is 600 Watts - Standard 600Watts 80 Plus Gold Power Supply. I'm not entirely sure. I'm thinking of going the route of the Ryzen 3 3300X + a B450 motherboard. If I bring it in would someone be able to verify the PSU? As for the GPU does low-profile mean it wouldn't be able to run games like PUBG at 60 FPS?
Low-profile just means it's a smaller card that occupies one slot,, and usually that means they're not all that powerful, which is true of the R7 240. It won't run PubG at 60FPS without drastically reducing your settings/resolution.
If the PSU is a 600W module then that leaves a lot of options open for the kind of GPU you can install. We could certainly verify if you brought it in to us, though you should be able to determine it yourself if you're willing to open up the side panels for your case and take a loot at the PSU. There should be labelling on it that shows it's power/rating.
A 3300X + B450 would be a great combination, I'l throw in a good word for the Ryzen 5 3600 as well since it's extremely close in price at our store right now and is more widely available. $1000 is nice budget just for upgrades, I would do something like this assuming the PSU is what you say and we can keep it:
It does leave a little wiggle room if you do need to get a new PSU. If not, a 600W Gold PSU should definitely be enough for a 2070 Super which will be a massive upgrade over your current GPU and this would be able to run basically any game at 1080p/144FPS except maybe the most graphically intense AAA games currently available.
Thank you so much! I'll be definitely be coming in sometime in the near future to get some much needed upgrades.
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