Need Help Choosing Parts
Hi All, This is my first shot and I am putting this gaming PC together for my will also be his first...
I put this parts list together and am looking for some advice. Am I on the right track?
I put this parts list together and am looking for some advice. Am I on the right track?
The main thing I noticed here is there's a pretty big mismatch between your CPU and GPU.
You could drop down the Intel i5-10600k and that would free up $150 for a better GPU, which would put you in 2060 Super/5700XT territory which are much better than a 1660ti. I'd also say 32GB of RAM isn't necessary if you're just gaming, 16GB will be plenty.
If you wanted to fit in a 2070 Super for the GPU, you could switch over to a Ryzen 5 3600 for your CPU to save further cost:
If you wanted to stick with Intel, you could do a build like this:
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