Need Help Choosing Parts


  • TSTonyV
    TSTonyV ✭✭✭✭✭
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 250 Likes 25 Answers
    What are you planning on using this computer for exactly? We could potentially rework some parts to save money without losing performance, or possibly gain performance depending on what you're doing. 
  • TSTonyV said:
    What are you planning on using this computer for exactly? We could potentially rework some parts to save money without losing performance, or possibly gain performance depending on what you're doing. 
    Sorry for not responding sooner!

    I’m intending to use this computer for gaming mostly, but I also am planning to use it for learning about game development and design, 3D modeling and animation, photo and video editing, and audio production.
  • TSTonyV
    TSTonyV ✭✭✭✭✭
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 250 Likes 25 Answers
    Alright then. I think overall it's a good build. Depending on the specific programs you use whether Intel or AMD is better can vary, but the 3950X is an all around excellent choice for such a broad use case. It'll handle gaming well and anything that's heavily multi-threaded it will be amazing for. 

    The only thing I might change would be opting for the Ryzen 9 3900X and upgrading the GPU to a 2080 Super instead for better gaming performance, while still maintaining good performance in those other areas. I would also definitely recommend going with DDR4-3600 memory since that's the sweetspot for Ryzen third generation CPUs. 

  • TSTonyV said:
    Alright then. I think overall it's a good build. Depending on the specific programs you use whether Intel or AMD is better can vary, but the 3950X is an all around excellent choice for such a broad use case. It'll handle gaming well and anything that's heavily multi-threaded it will be amazing for. 

    The only thing I might change would be opting for the Ryzen 9 3900X and upgrading the GPU to a 2080 Super instead for better gaming performance, while still maintaining good performance in those other areas. I would also definitely recommend going with DDR4-3600 memory since that's the sweetspot for Ryzen third generation CPUs. 

    Alright, so I did what you said. I ended up having to change some of the other bits as they were out of stock, and because I want to go into the Houston store and buy all the parts at once as I plan to get the rest of my money by selling my current PC(I have a buyer that was willing to wait until I had the rest of the money.) Just a few notes I wanted to touch up on:

    1: Do I actually need any special tubes for the liquid cooler, or are those just addons?
    2: Is the ASUS TUF gonna be enough to handle everything?
    3: Is there any possible way to take my Windows 10 Product key off of my current build? (My current PC is a prebuilt)
    4: Anything else I should know?
  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    Greetings @The_Justin_Mann

    1. Referring to the ASUS AIO? It's an AIO, you won't modify it, it comes full assembled and sealed.

    2. Yes, you should have any problems. Multiple M.2's and plenty of SATA's, you're going to get an abundance of storage expandability with an X570 board. Overclocking, you could push for a higher end board with a better VRM, but that's it.

    3. You can try. If it's an OEM system then it's an OEM key and technically they're tied to the motherboard they shipped with. You can try, it may activate off of your Microsoft account, but if you're selling the system it shouldn't. If you don't activate, you won't be able to install and activate Office. You'll have a water mark in the bottom right.

    4. You should be good, but if you have any other questions, let us know.
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