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  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    Greetings @jloading

    It's a good build all around. EVGA is a good quality power supply. The MSI Tomahawk is well regarded for having a solid VRM in the price range. You won't have any issues with this build. You can target faster RAM, 3600, CL16 preferably. This is limited by availability and pricing of course. You may find 3600 CL18 as an option which will work. 3200@CL16 vs 3600@CL18 is a wash, both are going to be 10ns. I'd go with the frequency, especially on Zen 2. If you can find 3600@CL16 your down to 8.88ns.
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