This Old SCSI...

I've got some really old SCSI hard drives with really old files that I'd really like to access.  A couple of Maxtors and a Quantum Lightning ProDrive; all with 50 pin interfaces.  Does anyone offer an external SCSI to USB HD adapter like the SATA IDE to USB HD adapter I've already got?  If not, how about a PCIe host bus adapter with that 50 pin (female) connection?  Preferably well under the $100 mark.


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    I haven't seen USB adapters for SCSI recently. Host adapters are an option, but you won't find PCIe with the 50 pin. You will find PCIe with the U320 bus and you can convert this from 68 pin to 50 pin, just make sure you set your jumpers appropriately on the drive itself.
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