Amateur Build Question

Sorry for such a noob question folks. But when I start my build, I know I can plan everything out strategically but what about wires and cables? Is this something I just go get once I have everything in place or should I know these things (which I don’t) before I start building? I see nice braided or RGB ones on other people’s builds but do parts come with any cables at all? Plan on starting from scratch BTW so no spare PC to jack cables from lol. Thanks 👍🏼


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    Greetings @Rendon

    Generally it's all included with that component. Your power supply will have all the power cables included, of course. Your motherboard will include SATA cables. Your case will cables for any built in RGB's or controllers included. If you buy accessory LED strips it should have everything needed to work there. The only exception is going to be RGB fans and some lighting strips. They may assume you have a header for it. If you don't, you'll need a controller. Generally they'll offer starter kits that include the controller, but if you just buy a fan, don't expect it to be there.
  • Cool beans. Thank you for the info!
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