Am I doing this right?
I'm looking to build something around $1,200 that could at least last 5 years. If there is anything I should add I would appreciate the advice thank you! Also, I know nothing about monitors so I just picked the cheapest option... Please help me with that especially ;-;
Hello @UniqueTrendz
What games and resolution are you looking to play at with your system? Any other things than playing games like streaming or content creation? -
Hi @TSPhillipT
1920x1080- I usually play a large variety of games at the moment I would like to play Death stranding on maybe mid-high. I may do streaming at some point.Hello @UniqueTrendz
What games and resolution are you looking to play at with your system? Any other things than playing games like streaming or content creation?
The main thing I'd suggest would be dropping down to a cheaper motherboard to free up some budget for a better video card and monitor. We could jump up to the RTX 2060 instead which is a nice performance bump over the 1660 Super, and get a nice 144Hz 1080p monitor which would be appropriate for a 2060 + Ryzen 5 3600
TSTonyV said:The main thing I'd suggest would be dropping down to a cheaper motherboard to free up some budget for a better video card and monitor. We could jump up to the RTX 2060 instead which is a nice performance bump over the 1660 Super, and get a nice 144Hz 1080p monitor which would be appropriate for a 2060 + Ryzen 5 3600
The reason I picked that previous motherboard is that I would need onboard WiFi I know I could pick up a network adapter but I don't know if that would be a wise choice. -
UniqueTrendz said:TSTonyV said:The main thing I'd suggest would be dropping down to a cheaper motherboard to free up some budget for a better video card and monitor. We could jump up to the RTX 2060 instead which is a nice performance bump over the 1660 Super, and get a nice 144Hz 1080p monitor which would be appropriate for a 2060 + Ryzen 5 3600
The reason I picked that previous motherboard is that I would need onboard WiFi I know I could pick up a network adapter but I don't know if that would be a wise choice.
This link will give you a list of all the AMD boards we have in stock that include onboard wifi, if you want to take a look:
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