Im going overkill help.

When will this graphics card be available again for me to come in and order these parts and have you guys put it together for me??  Do you guys agree or disagree on my build? Anything I should add?


  • Hello @Mammth

    What plans do you have for your computer?  Are you just gaming or do you have plans for content creation/streaming?  Also what resolution are you looking to play at?  Lastly, we do not know if we will be receiving more 2080s as the 2080 Super replaced the 2080 and the 3080 replaces the 2080 Super.
  • I plan on playing a large variety of games, lots of tabs open in chrome always having music playing in the back, I do eventually plan on streaming in the future but i do not know when.  I need a graphics card that will support 3 display ports but i just keep hearing how good the 2080 is.. whats equivalent?? over all how do you like the build?
  • 2080 is an ok GPU for a high price.  Keep in mind, the new 3000 Series GPUs will lower the price of all 2000 Series GPUs and you can get a 3070 or an unannounced 3060 for performance better than a 2080 for a cheaper price.  It does help to know what resolution of monitor you are playing on, as all these GPUs ideally aim at the 1440p or 4k Gaming and are pretty overkill for 1080p gaming.

    The build looks good otherwise.  I am giant Corsair fan and all the parts are compatible.  
  • I have 3 new monitors that will be running at 144 or higher that I just bought from you guys.  I know that the 3080s are coming out but how soon will that be and they will be gone by the time they come out wont they? I was looking to come in to make this build with you guys within the next two weeks what do I do for the video card?
  • TSPhillipT
    TSPhillipT admin
    500 Comments 100 Likes Second Anniversary 5 Answers
    edited September 2020
    I was able to use your email to find the monitors you purchased.  They are 1080p Monitors with 165Hz Refresh Rate.  A 2060 Super or 2070 Super will work for these fine.  The 2070 Super is actually the same GPU as the 2080.  The 3080 is very in demand however with the release of the 3000 Series Cards will cause other GPU pricing to go down.  You don't need to get the 3080, just wait for it's impact on pricing.  
  • well that was another thing I was wondering, do I really need the higher end graphics card?  I can always upgrade in the future if I wanted to correct with the build that I have chose?
  • @Mammth

    That is correct, you can always upgrade in the future, and the GPUs I would be looking at for the best 1080p gaming are the 1660Ti or 2060 Super.  
  • well what would you recommend I use?  I'm just trying to get the best performance because I am coming from a computer that is 7 years old that cannot even play fortnite.  Do you recommend anything else in this build for better performance? 
  • TSTonyV
    TSTonyV ✭✭✭✭✭
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 250 Likes 25 Answers
    The build you linked in your first post is pretty high-end already, anything "higher" end is going to be marginal gains anyway, so I wouldn't say there's anything you need to improve. I agree with Phil's advice in that you should wait for the RTX 3000 cards to hit the shelves to see what price changes happen.
  • So wait till the end of October?? i just googled it and it looks like the 3000 series are going to be cheaper than whats out now??
  • TSTonyV
    TSTonyV ✭✭✭✭✭
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 250 Likes 25 Answers
    The 3000 cards are going to be the same price as what's out now, but will have better performance, so what's currently out is going to go lower in price. 
  • Ok so last question, will a 2070 run just fine with the other components of this build?  Is there any part of this build that is too over kill or too under?? or will everything I chose run at the same rate? do you understand what i am saying?
  • TSTonyV
    TSTonyV ✭✭✭✭✭
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 250 Likes 25 Answers
    A 2070, or really any high-end card, would run just fine in this build. A build like this with a 2070 Super/other high end card should be able to run basically any game at high/max settings with high FPS at 1080p with no problems at all. 
  • So if I come in tomorrow will one of you be there to help my get everything and get it built?  What are you guys looking at for an estimated build time?
  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    The ETA will depend on your local store, but we will certainly have an associate in the BYOPC department that can help you complete your build.
  • oh so you guys are not in my local MN store i gotcha well thank you!
  • TSTonyV
    TSTonyV ✭✭✭✭✭
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 250 Likes 25 Answers
    Mammth said:
    oh so you guys are not in my local MN store i gotcha well thank you!
    Correct, most of the reps we have answering the forums are based out of our corporate office. Let us know if there's anything else you need!
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