Need Help Choosing Parts, Terminator Build


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes

    Good build overall. I'd go with 2x16 over 4x8 for the memory. Easier to overclock if you want to push it. At 3200, you'll probably be fine either way. I'd go for 2x16 3600 @ CL16, or 18 if you can. This would be a preferable setup on a Ryzen build.

    The PCIe Gen4 drive is an upgrade over the Gen3 drives. It's not going to be terribly noticeable in my opinion, outside of benchmarks. We also have an Inland version available that's $199.99. 

    Otherwise you're good to go. You picked the EVGA card for the potential to upgrade with their step up program. Good call.
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