Liquid Cooling?

This is just a basic platform for my liquid cooled PC. I'm going to be using the 2080 SUPER and the Corsair XG7 GPU block, but neither are on the list... any changes? I don't need to budget.


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes

    I'd upgrade the RAM to 3600 CL16, or CL18. Preferably the former. You're building a high end system, the Thermaltake is a decent unit, but I'd invest in a premium power supply. Corsair RMx, EVGA Supernova.  Regarding your loop, I like the dual 360MM rads which I like, but a single pump. I assume you're planning for two pumps, and you're having an entirely separate loop for both the GPU and CPU?

    I wouldn't go with the distro plate mainly because of the SPC60 pump. 500 Liter/Hour. Better to invest in a D5 with a tube reservoir. You should see a considerable change in cooling performance. D5's are rated at 1500 liter/hour by comparison.
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