So what is the 3080 buying process now?

edited June 2021 in General Discussion
Hey team,

Trying to get some clarity to this post launch of the 3080.  Clearly the web buying was a CF and I am trying to figure out the best way to try and get one of these.  I am seeing postings from pictures you even have additional stock coming in today.  
Currently I am only 15 minutes away from one of the stores (Cambridge).
My question is: Am I now going to the store on a daily basis at 9:30-10 AM (opening minute) hoping you have some vouchers to give out like you did today?  What should my cadence look like to see availability from you guys?

Would appreciate some direction here.  I am trying to open a credit card with you guys and buy several additional parts for my rig with this purchase and just want to know realistically what my options are.


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes

    We don't have any information that we can share on incoming shipments. And on an item like this the shipments may not be a standard delivery and could arrive at a different time of day. The only guidance I could provide is to check our inventory online. We'll post the items as soon as they're in our inventory. i would head to the store at that time.
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