Upcoming 3090 RTX Msi card

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edited June 2021 in General Discussion
Hello, would you be able to tell if cards will be available on launch date? September 24th, I live close to the Tustin store and would be willing to wait in line if there is one...would you be able to share what the best approach would be in obtaining one of these cards? Thank you 


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes

    Unfortunately we won't have any information until the launch date. If they're available they'll be sold first come, first served. I would plan to be there in the morning at open.
  • Thank you for the reply, are you allowing a line to be formed outside? I heard for the 3080 launch today people were lining up the day before...could you confirm? Thanks again 
  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    That's going to depend on your local store and how they're handling the launch. I can't provide any information on this, unfortunately, except to suggest you be there on launch day.
  • Barryboy I would highly suggest (which all due respect) to not listen to the above comment. 

    We were told all week (stopped in 3 times to make purchases) that they had an abundance of 3080s in the back and that we could get in line by 6-7am and still get a card.. we arrived at 2 am and there were already 15 people in line for 12 cards, with an empty promise that 15 cards may be coming. 

    Moral of my comment is the only people that were able to purchase the 3080 were people who got there at 6-10PM the night before release. 

    I’d imagine the 3090 will be the same situation, so I would saddle up and get ready to stay the night. 
  • JohnnyO said:
    Barryboy I would highly suggest (which all due respect) to not listen to the above comment. 

    We were told all week (stopped in 3 times to make purchases) that they had an abundance of 3080s in the back and that we could get in line by 6-7am and still get a card.. we arrived at 2 am and there were already 15 people in line for 12 cards, with an empty promise that 15 cards may be coming. 

    Moral of my comment is the only people that were able to purchase the 3080 were people who got there at 6-10PM the night before release. 

    I’d imagine the 3090 will be the same situation, so I would saddle up and get ready to stay the night. 
    This. Plan to show up at the store BEFORE they even close on the day BEFORE the release if you want a fighting chance. Bring a chair, snacks, blankets, whatever and plan to camp out in line. Nvidia botched this release, and from the comments on other threads, Micro Center employees don't really know what goes on with their inventory.
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