Need Help Choosing Parts
I put this parts list together and am looking for some advice.
PC to do Photogrammetry main 3D rendering and GIS within budget of 2K
PC to do Photogrammetry main 3D rendering and GIS within budget of 2K
It's a good build overall, but I would change a few things for quality, given this is a high end build. First the RAM, try to get to 3600 CL16 for your RAM. Getting the fclk up to 3600 will increase your performance overall. I try to target this with Ryzen builds. You've got a decent power supply with the EVGA bronze. I'd step up to a Supernova, there is a substantial quality difference in my opinion between those units. Last the cooler, the Enermax is adequate, but that's all it is. I'd go water AIO, 240/280/360MM to give you some overhead for PBO to work. -
Thanks TSMikeW
Please explain in detail the RAM and cooler, I am not that fluent in computer terms
The Supernova breaks my budget Can't do -
Regarding RAM with the Ryzen CPU's it'll always try to sync you infinity fabric, IMC and memory clocks. Up to 3733Mhz. Higher frequency is faster, so long as you're not sacrificing latency on the RAM. So 3600 is a good spot to be at, where you can load the XMP profile and go. And there is good 3600 CL16 RAM available with good secondary timings.
For the cooler and the PBO ( Precision Boost Override ). If this is enabled, the CPU will overclock itself, and it does a very good job. It operates under the limitation of thermals though. Better cooling, better performance. There are other factors here, of course, but that's a simple way of explaining it.
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