CPU Over Temperature Error

edited September 2020 in General Discussion

I have been having problems with my custom built PC for the past few days. The PC is only a little over a year old and this is the first problem I had with it. I had where my NZXT X72 360mm was making a weird grinding noise it was causing where I would get the CPU over temperature error. 

Me thinking that the pump most likely stopped working I decided to get a new liquid cooler. While waiting for a response from NZXT about sending this one in. I went to Microcenter and brought the MSI MAG 360R liquid cooler. I was hopeful that this was the fix I needed well I was wrong because I'm still getting the CPU Over Temperature Error. My CPU temperature is 88 degrees celsius when it starts and goes up to 99 degrees celsius and stays there.

I'm really confused about what to do now I had checked to make sure the heatsink is seated correctly which it is. I'm thinking that I should reapply the thermal paste first to see if that helps if not then I'm stuck with figuring out what to do next.


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes

    It does sound like the pump died on your old X72. If you're having the same issue with the MSI cooler, I would question whether the pump is running, you could have a DOA unit. Verify everything is connected properly, especially the pump. If present connect it to an AIO_PUMP or W_PUMP header. Reason being these headers are set to run at full speed by default usually. Being on a PWM/DC controlled header woudn't really matter, you wouldn't overheat, but you would have temperature fluctuations. You can also try to feel the top of the CPU block while it's running. You should be able to feel vibrations from the pump.
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