Put together this PC build with the Ryzen 3700x and the RTX 3080 Tuff

I put this parts together was hoping for some input, maybe a way to get the build a little cheaper without sacrificing too much power. Never built a PC before and also wanted to make sure all these parts are compatible. https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder-amd.aspx?load=3d87ef29-e265-4b4d-a84d-589fe6a4e3a0


  • Welcome! This looks like a great build. Our PC Builder actually checks compatibility for you, so all of the items that you've selected will work together.
    You might be able to get your total town by selected a Semi-Modular power supply
    You could also choose a different motherboard without WiFi if you have the ability to connect directly via Ethernet.

    I'd say you've got a great selection, and I wouldn't change a thing if you're not worried about your budget.

  • Thanks for the feedback! I heard that the RTX sucks up a lot of power so do you think that the 750 watt would be okay with it? Also do you think it would be worth it to buy a cheaper graphics card until the 3080 becomes more available? I've heard that they may not be available for quite some time. If so do you have another opinion on a cheap but good graphics card in the meantime till the RTX productions pick up?
  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes

    The 750W PSU is going to be fine on the RTX 3080. It meets the recommendation per Nvidia. As for the video card to grab in the meantime, it really depends on your budget and whether you intend to resell it. I'd grab one of the EVGA RTX 2060 KO Ultra. Good card in the price range, better chance you can recoup some of your cost if you sell it when the new cards are more readily available.
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