Need help finding the best parts for a build I’ve been looking into buying a Pc but I don't have much money so I’m trying to buy pc around 400$. Since my laptop isn’t able to play bigger games like the new cods I’m looking for a pc that can run these sort of games. I’m unable to afford a graphics card but I plan to buy one maybe a month after I complete the build. So I was wondering how to make this build cheaper, possibly better, and if it will work. I have a mouse, keyboard, and a windows key so I just want to if I’m doing this right.


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes

    It's a good build overall. I don't see any options to make it cheaper and better and I wouldn't sacrifice anything based on what you have here. I might suggest spending a little more to get an NVME instead of a SATA SSD. That's would be a significant performance increase.
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