New HDD not getting power (Powerspec G507)

I bought a G507 about a month ago and just added a 2TB Seagate Barracuda HDD + a SATA cable for data transfer. After I plugged in the data and power cable, the drive wasn't showing up in disk management or BIOS. Since there are 4 SATA slots in the MoBo I tried all of them, but no difference. Upon further investigation, it sounds like the disk is not spinning, even when I only plugged in the PSU cable. The PSU has two separate cables coming out of it for SATA power, so I tried both of them and all the slave extensions as well; no luck. Is there something in the PSU that I have to enable to power it? Could my hard drive be bum? Please let me know what I should do next to troubleshoot.



  • I'd do what you've done here. Checking to ensure that the SATA power and data are both securely connected. Another possibility to test would be the connection at the PSU side. I'd recommend changing the location where your SATA power cable is connected to the PSU.  Are you currently powering another device with the SATA power cable mentioned?
    There's no switch to enable power from the PSU excluding the main power toggle on the back of the PSU. If you've tried different cables and the drive is still not spinning, that would suggest that there is an issue with the HDD. I'd recommend exchanging or returning it.
  • I'm not currently powering another device with either of the SATA power cables; I'll look into where the SATA power cable is connected to the PSU and change it to see if that helps. Any tips on accessing that part of the PSU? On my G507 it has a metal case around it and a small hole with the wires coming out, so I infer I would just unscrew some screws to get past the case?
  • Ian
    Ian ✭✭✭✭✭
    Eighth Anniversary 5000 Comments 250 Answers 500 Likes
    I am sorry, after checking that further, it doesn't appear it's a modular supply for that unit. There may be additional SATA connectors coming off the power supply itself, and they may be cable tied / tied up behind the motherboard, so you can try those, but there actually isn't a place to switch where it is plugged in at on the power supply itself like there is with some power supply models. 
  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes

    If you remove the panel on the right side ( From the front ) the bottom of the case is exposed, and all your additional power connectors will be right in front of the power supply. It's worth testing another SATA power connector first, and we'll go from there.
  • TravisB
    First Comment
    edited September 2020

    Here's a video of me testing both SATA power connectors; let me know if I'm missing anything. 
    Given I can't switch where the SATA power cables are plugged into the PSU--and I tried both of them--seems like the conclusion is my HDD is defective?
  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    It's very possible at this point. I'd test another drive if possible. You should also be able to feel that the drive is vibrating when it powers on, if it's not it's more likely the drive than the PSU. You can get a SATA bridge if you want to test the the drive another way. It's USB to SATA adapter. Nice tool to have around regardless, and it would be definitive to confirm the drive is faulty.
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