first pc build, Need advice?

Hello Everyone, 
I am new to the pc gaming community being a console player majority of my life, I would like to have an advice on building my first pc under $2,000.  I made a custom pc outline below in the link. 

I will appreciate anyone who could tell me if my build is bad, good or missing anything. 


  • JS_MC
    Hi, @Jmc13 Welcome to the community!
    Your build looks good! You've got a solid CPU with adequate RAM and storage, and a decent GPU.
    I'd recommend putting a bit more of your budget toward a more powerful GPU. Either with a 5700 XT or a 2070 Super.
    If you're willing to wait a bit, the 3070 will be released on Oct, 29th. That would be a great price to performance option for you!
  • Jmc13
    Thank you for the advice and great idea I probably wait for the 3070 GPU.
  • JS_MC
    That's fair, but a lot of people have the same idea. NVIDIA has already delayed its release by 2 weeks. Hopefully, that would allow for plenty of stock to be available on release, though it may be very limited upon release.
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