New Rig Ryzen 5 3600 High Temps!

Hello! I just recently bought a new rig and it all seems to be going fine but, my CPU temps seem to be going a bit south, my average temps go between 40c to 60c, Under load it goes from 60 to 80c, but sometimes when under load it goes to a big 90c spike for a couple seconds and comes back down very fast. 

My Specs:
MSI Tomahawk B550
Ryzen 5 3600
2080 Super 
650 W PSU
16 GB 3200 Trident Ryzen Ram
NZXT Kraken M22 


  • JS_MC
    JS_MC admin
    1000 Comments 250 Likes Third Anniversary 25 Answers
    edited October 2020
    What's your current cooling solution?
    The temps you're describing are fairly standard for a CPU while idle and under load, if you are still using the stock cooler. They are within safe operating temperatures. AMD lists the max temp for the 3600 at 95°C. If you're consistently more toward 60°C while idle, and +80°C while under load, I would also be concerned. I would suggest reseating and applying new thermal paste to your cooler, or perhaps purchasing a new cooling option.
    I'd also suggest that you ensure your motherboard BIOS is up to date.
  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    Greetings @Gonzo

    What software your using to monitor your CPU temps?
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