


  • Ian
    Ian ✭✭✭✭✭
    Eighth Anniversary 5000 Comments 250 Answers 500 Likes

    We would love to expand to all States one day! That's the dream! Until then we will pass this along to our real estate team!

  • Come to utah please 
  • As a "Build of The Week" winner (lol), I demand Micro Center open a location in Salt Lake City.

    We've been asking for years. I am going to email the personal inboxes of Rich Mershad and Peggy Wolfe with geographic marketing data and make the same demand to them directly.

  • It would be a dream come true for me if they came to Utah
  • What requirements does microcenter look for in opening a new location? Are they looking for population, foot traffic, vehicle traffic, tech sales, etc? If we know what they are looking for maybe a case can be made.
  • NobodyCan
    First Comment
    edited September 2023

    I have an accredited Utah Realtor contact who specializes in large-scale commercial real estate. If you are all actually considering opening a location in Utah (which would be incredibly smart for a tech hardware business, as Utah is one of the fastest growing tech communities in the world), please don't hesitate to reach out!

  • Another person for a SLC Microcenter.

    With Silicon Slopes and a major tech sector here in the SLC valley, we're dying for a good computer hardware retail store. The only thing we have now is online retailers and, if we're desperate for parts, Best Buy.

  • I wanted to share my voice as well on this. I strongly feel that a Micro Center in Utah would do EXTREMELY well. Best Buy has very little options for PC parts, probably to the equivalent of a flimsy cardboard store front display in a typical store. Having a Micro Center here in Utah would be AMAZING!! We have nothing here and you would have a TON of customers considering the tech industries that are here. Please make our dream come true!

  • Please come to Salt Lake City! We have nothing, except for Best Buy and Online for PC parts. Not only that but I am sure that you would have many candidates for employee's to choose from, myself included. I have been building computers since 1988. There is a vast community here that is desperate for a brick and mortar store with employees that know what they are talking about. Best Buy does have several locations here but, if you've ever been into one of the stores you get a sales person that is a teenager who has watched a couple of training videos on how to sell customers tech. Not helpful, not knowledgeable, most of the time patronizing, and generally not interested in making suggestions. We (the community) need your help. I would be one of the first people to apply to work at your store. I have 20 years of retail experience and 10 years of management experience, and a bachelors of science in computer hardware and networking. I am sure there are others in Salt Lake that have similar or better experience and education. My point is you would not have any issues in finding employees to work your store with pride and dedication. Please consider Salt Lake City, UT when you are planning future store openings. Thank You!!

  • designerdudeaaron
    edited February 2024
    Echoing sentiments by all others who have commented. Working in Tech I'm surprised this hasn't happened yet. Plenty of large tech companies and interest/need in more options than Best Buy...

    I wish we had a local store that sold 3D printer parts and filament. 

    Please come to Utah.
  • Ian
    Ian ✭✭✭✭✭
    Eighth Anniversary 5000 Comments 250 Answers 500 Likes

    No plans at the moment, however, we do see quite a few requests for a location in Utah!

  • I Just joined to make a comment.

    SLC needs a microcenter, commercial real estate is going down, your customers at this location would come from UT, NV, ID, and WY.

    Denver is just too far 9 hour drive, spend $400 in gas driving through the mountains and having hotel needing to be paid.

    We have silicon slopes here for a reason. all the tech and business corps are here. I will quit my Sys Admin job today just to work at an SLC location.

  • With the amount of support for Utah here, it is certainly up for consideration! I will ensure to make sure our real estate team is aware of this. Thanks for reaching out!

  • Add another tally to the "created an account just to chime in" group!

    Please come to Utah!

  • Also just made an account to say, PLEASE come to Utah! We would love you! Lots of tech forwards people here that would love to be your employees and customers, myself included!

  • Add another Utahn to this list. I created this account just to comment as well. I have been to a Microcenter before as I made my family come with me on our vacation to California. I am an IT professional by trade and hold over 20 professional certifications. I have built dozens of gaming computers and used to run a small business doing so here in Utah. You guys do not know how bad you are missing out. We are a regional hub for commerce including medical services and IT for Idaho, Wyoming, Montana and others. We have an insanely big gaming community. We have plenty of open real estate and if you reach out I can provide you with the perfect location in Salt Lake that would keep things cheap and busy for you guys. I am one of many professional enthusiasts that have to go to best buy or amazon or newegg and would love to support Microcenter instead.

  • The year is 2024, the residents of Utah have been in dire straits waiting for the glorious arrival of micro center to save us from big tech.. Far too long has Best Buy and Walmart dominated the market with their silly prices. We need a hero micro center. Please come to Utah so I don’t have to drive 8 hours to the closest one :(  love micro center
  • Thank you all for the continued support on this! Utah is definitely on our radar!

  • Same as most people, made an account literally to just petition for a Utah store.
    We can get the Olympics twice but not a decent computer store?

    I'd have to drive over 9 hours to get to the closest microcenter 
    It's incredibly needed and obvious from this thread and many others here that it would be well trafficked 
  • HalfGrid
    HalfGrid ✭✭
    Second Anniversary First Comment
    edited August 2024

    Has anyone tried reverse psychology yet? We don't want a micro center, we like Best Buy and amazon.

  • Yes! Please bring a store to Utah!!! We have Nothing Here except Best Buy which is horrible!! Please Please Please

  • And another one of us! I would love to get my filament and Project hardware from you guys instead of Amazon! We've not had a decent tech store here since Circuit City folded and they went downhill since the turn of the century I would love to see a good retail location near me sometime before I die! It blows my mind that we don't have anything here considering how many big tech companies are here.

  • Love the support here everyone! I have passed this information to our real estate team so they are definitely aware of this! :)

  • Flopsy
    Flopsy ✭✭
    Second Anniversary First Comment
    edited November 2024

    I know I've posted here before, but just posting again. Come to Salt lake city! I used to live in maryland….I miss you :(

  • I'm glad to hear the excitement for a new location! I'll be sure to get this passed over to our real estate team.

  • I believe a store in Utah would do VERY well. In fact, I actually know of a great spot. I used to have a Best Buy and Barnes and Noble close to me but to do difficulties within those companies they have both shut down one of their locations, right next to each other, at the same spot. The rest of the shopping center there is doing fine but now we have this big empty section. They are both just southeast of Salt Lake, right next to the main 15 freeway in Murray. There is talk of re-zoning the location into apartments (probably due to the rising housing market bubble) but if Microcenter made a bid for it, that could change.

    Here is an article on the location in question:


    And here is the location listing:


  • I have become my circle of family and friends go to computer tech. I have started my own little business of building computers. As of now the only way to get parts is online. Building a MicroCenter in Salt Lake would be a major help in building parts. Instead of waiting weeks for parts to show up. I can get them that day and start building. Same with repairing computers. Having a store I can go to would help me in fixing peoples computers much much faster. There are 100's of thousands of people in northern Utah that would benefit from a MicroCenter here, That doesn't include people from Idaho, Wyoming, Western Colorado, Nevada, and Arizona that would also benefit from having a store much closer than what they have now.

  • I will make sure our real estate team is aware of this information :) Thank y'all for the feedback on this!

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