Need Help Choosing Parts
I put this parts list together and am looking for some advice.
Trying to help my brother with a new build. I got some knowledge on building but pretty much a greeny. He is a gamer and a streamer, with a budget of around $1,800. But prefers to save where he can. Suggestions are for sure welcome. Also, read a lot on how AMD is the go to choice, but I lack any experience with them so I went with intel.
Also. I'll be using his current HDD and m.2, so you can ignore that bit.
Hello @ThraxRyder
What kind of games will your brother be playing and at what resolution? Is he looking to get into streaming/content creation? Ryzen is usually the better choice for both price to performance and includes it's own heat sink. -
He normally plays Fortnight and minecraft, also I believe some of the usual shooters. He also streams on twitch(with his old build) and will also be doing so with his new one, whatever that may be. I believe he runs at 1080p.Edit: As for Ryzen, I heard it good per price ratio but reliability might be a bit eh compared to Intel? And not sure if it's something easy to work with when installing or not.
Installing Ryzen is pretty easy, and the reliability issues stem from the GPU Drivers, not the processor.
Here are the changes I made to this, with the Ryzen 7 3700X and a change to the B550 motherboard;
It comes with it's own RGB CPU Cooler so you save some cost there and Fortnite/Minecraft are pretty low resource heavy games so you don't need to go super hard into an Intel processor. -
So this would be pretty sound for him to play his games and be plenty capable of streaming with no major/sizable loss in power?
Yep! This build will do good for 1080p Minecraft/Fortnite and streaming.
Also, would be good for a capture card or will the build you suggested be fine without it? Heard a capture card can remove some strain from the cpu/gpu decoding streams.
Hello @ThraxRyder
A Capture Card won't remove strain from streaming if you are playing the game on the computer.
You can however, play the game on a console or another computer and use a capture card on a gaming PC and use a second PC to stream/encode from.
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