Need Help Choosing Parts
I put this parts list together and am looking for some advice, mainly about choosing the right power supply, and if I can make this PC any better without spending more, or if there are some better components for the same price. I appreciate if someone can help.
Hello @Jaf
What kind of games are you going to be playing and at what resolution. Are you looking to get into streaming/content creation?
The build looks good! No issues with the build, your PSU selection is good for the build. You have great parts selected and the pricing is good. -
The games I play are mostly things like Forza Horizon 4, Minecraft, Rocket League, Minecraft Dungeons, and very rarely Fortnite. I play at 1080p on my current laptop, though I'm looking for a 1440p display for this desktop (any recomendations would be appreciated. High refresh rate isn't a neccesity for me by any means, but I'm looking for some decent 1440p 120/144hz moniters that don't break the bank). I don't stream or make any sort of videos though I record and mix music tracks, but this computer is mainly just for gaming 75% of the time and music production/entertainment the rest.
Also, I wanted to ask if I should buy seperate fans or are the ones that come with the case good enough? Thanks
The Corsair 275R comes with three fans which should be sufficient, you wouldn't need extra ones really.
If you click this link, you'll see a list of all the 1440p monitors we have that are 144Hz or higher. We have a few under $300 that you could look at:
Ultimately just depends on what you're willing to spend on a monitor.
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