Ever since upgrading to 3080, usb 3.2 ports acting weird
Since putting in the new gpu I can no longer record my capture card with out it freezing(it needs 3.0) and my oculus rift while setting up shows everything as usb 3 but will than flip back and forth between recommending a usb 3 port and being on one without me switching the ports. Any ideas at what could be causing this? The only though I had was power as the psu is a bit old but is 900w. But none of the usb devices are really disconnecting they are just not registering as usb 3
Best Answer
Alright. I'd definitely say the most likely cause is the motherboard.
Hello @ReconnectController
That is pretty weird that is happening. What happens when you use the original GPU? -
@TSPhillipT had to wrestle the beast out(broke the pcie lock clip) but put in the old gpu(really old gtx 760) and works fine, could this be a psu issue? Its old but it meets the requirements
What kind of PSU do you have? -
Hello @ReconnectController
It definitely sounds like a hardware issue but it's hard to determine if it's a motherboard or PSU issue. Have you tried updating the bios for your motherboard? -
@TSPhillipT yup everything is 100% up to date, just grabbed a rm850 from microcenter, will let you know if it solves it
Power supply seems to have solved it! Thanks for your help and time @TSPhillipT
Correction, its still happening
If the PSU didn't fix it that would suggest it's probably a motherboard related issue.
If you have interchangeable cables trying some different USB cables wouldn't be a bad idea either, just to rule that out.
It's possible the new GPU is messing with the board in some way, I have had strange things happen to motherboards when installing new parts, but I'd say that's pretty unlikely and we should narrow down other potential issues first. -
@TSTonyV I've tried all different cables and I think it is related to the mobo usb controller. And it may not be the 3080 its just since getting that I now have everything hooked up to my main desktop where as before it was more spread out. So it may be more coincidence than causation. I ordered this to isolate the vr headset from the same controller as the 4k capture card https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00B6ZCNGM?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
@TSTonyV I marked yours as correct as a new motherboard seems to have solved the issue. I went with a regular atx instead of matx which meant new case too but everything is work as of now. And I hope I never have to comeback here and update this post again, thanks for your time and help
Glad to hear that this did resolve your issue. Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns in regards to the computer.
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