Im at the end of my rope here, i have no idea.(usb issues)



  • Nope. And still just the mouse and keyboard. I'm going to buy a new mouse and keyboard because this is what it has come to.
  • Nope, brand new mouse and keyboard, same issue
  • ReconnectController
    edited October 2020
    At the risk of incurring the  wrath of vengeful spirits i think me and my friend finally got it.  Switched the 3080 to the pcie 3.0 slot instead of the pcie 4.0 slot. ran cpu and gpu at 100% was streaming and had software open and not one single drop of anything.  We believe the pcie 4 was using every ounce the cpu had. He was the one talking about pcie lanes. Its supposedly a negligible performance difference(just a few percent) to free up half the bandwidth it was consuming. Hopefully i will not have to update this again, but i will if it comes to it.

  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    edited October 2020

    Glad it's working for you, but this seems unusual. The differences on an RTX 3080 between 3.0 and 4.0 should be negligible, as you stated. Here's another suggestion. Go to your BIOS. Advanced > AMD PBS. There's a setting there where you can downgrade your PCIe x16 to Gen3. I would test his and see if the issue reoccurs. 

    Looking at the manual, it looks like PCIE3 is x4 electrically. 
  • I'll be honest @TSMikeW, it seems to be working perfectly stable so I went ahead and re did the cable management to make it look good and unless something goes wrong, im just so tired of disassembling and reassembling this thing lol. If the card ends up getting too hot down there I will try that out as a test and to improve airflow.

  • aaaaaaaaannnnnnnnndddd it looks like this 3080 is gunna get rma'd im getting a whole different mess of issues while streaming now. all software using the gpu will crash and the both monitors will lose display for a few seconds
  • i finally received a different 3080 back from asus, they refused to say they even received it for 3 weeks despite it being signed for and the one i received was packed worse than the one i sent, i also rma'd my cpu. and after all that. the issue persists.

    i have effectively built an entire second computer. there is no reason for this to be happening.
  • Hey! Something I haven't seen brought up is your chipset drivers! Trying giving those an install. Easy thing to forget. Also, would explain the issues you're having with USB devices and PCIE lanes. Let me know if this helped. I feel your frustration. Stick in there my guy.
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