Who has the best mobile phone plan/experience?

AlexS admin
Fourth Anniversary 25 Likes 5 Answers Photogenic
edited October 2020 in Off Topic
Alright Community.  So I've been with Spectrum Mobile who currently flaunts a $45/mo with unlimited everything (with data being slowed after 20GBs) with my iPhone XR.  It's been nice.


Apple has just unveiled the new iPhone 12 series and I haven't had a desire to purchase a new phone in about 2 years.  It just looks so clean to me and reminds me of that iPhone 4 & 5 shape that I enjoyed so much. Yes, I'm sure some of you are haters of the Apple conglomerate, but this post isn't necessarily about the new iPhone launch (but any of you who want to geek over it in this post, absolutely go for it.)

What I want to know, is what your experience is with whichever mobile wireless company you are subscribed to?  AT&T?  Verizon?  Maybe Cricket or even the new Mint Mobile which features a commercial with Ryan Reynolds who brought Rick freakin' Moranis onto the screen for the first time in decades.  I know Verizon & AT&T have been playing catch up in the 5G department, but over time, that's going to not be a worry.

Verizon is already in the spotlight for me personally because Spectrum Mobile I believe shares their network, and if I did sign up, I'd get a year subscription to Disney+, ESPN+,  and I could cancel out those subscriptions for the time being to help cover the bill.  

So, what are your thoughts?  How is your experience with your current or even previous mobile company?


  • I got AT&T... they baited me to get it.  Service is ok, no real issues with it at all.  I don't see myself getting the 12 since I just recently upgraded to the 11 Pro.

    AT&T Baited me with the "Switch all your plans to us and we have fiber optic"
    Switched everything over
    Turns out Fiber Optic isn't in my area and it was a mistake
    Still everything switched over besides internet and at least cut me a decent deal.  
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