On-Board WiFi/Bluetooth dies frequently - Aorus B450 Pro WiFi

About a year ago, I built a PC using a Gigabyte Aorus Pro WiFi B450 MoBo.  I had problems with bluetooth staying connected almost immediately, but the PC was built, and I wasn't going to tear it down again to replace the MoBo because I'm lazy AF.  I use a Microsoft Surface keyboard and mouse, and have no connection issues on my work laptop with the same peripherals, though my bluetooth headphones almost never drop connection..  I have checked for driver updates continuously, but it says it's always up to date.  Is this a problem with a specific frequency of bluetooth, or a protocol?  Can I resolve this by adding a PCI Network card to the board? Can you even put a network card on a board with onboard wifi?  Not sure how that even works from a connection standpoint.  Any feedback is appreciated, this is my first PC build in a 15 years and a lot has changed in that time, lol.


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    Greetings @Roy_M

    To clarify your issue. Is it only an issue that it intermittent disconnects, or is it also slow to detect items and intermittent or slow on connecting at times as well?

    Yes, you can add in another bluetooth adapter. Even a USB bluetooth adapter would work just fine for you. I would be cautious if you do add a PCIe card, don't add a card utilizing the exact same wireless adapter, this might cause a crash on startup. With the Intel 3168 as an example.

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