New CPU; oculus is worse.

So after installing a new Ryzen 7 3700x in a b350 tomahawk mb, I decided to test out my oculus headset to see if it would run any faster than before. It runs worse now oddly enough, it is very choppy now and I originally had a Ryzen 7 1700x installed. Is the VR not optimized correctly? It keeps loading me in and out of the game frequently and the fps is very slow and when I use quick turn with the joystick, it looks very strange and horrible and I am not sure what to do :(


  • Hmm, that's strange. Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the Oculus software? What are your other system specs?
    I too have a 3700X and it works great with my VR headset, so I'd love to figure this out for you!
    Have you tested this with multiple games? Also, can you see what your CPU and GPU usage are while you're in a VR game that isn't performing as expected?
  • My other specs are: 16 gig ram ripjaws, 1660ti 6 gb, an SSD with a 750 watt power supply. I've tried it on beat saber and boneworks, and it acts the same, it is pretty strange because the fps is really low and it's super choppy. I will try uninstalling and reinstalling the software and I will let you know how it goes. What is the easiest way to check my usage? I have msi afterburner but I'd have to update it. Thank you for helping me out by the way!
  • You can use the performance tab in Task Manager or using an app like MSI Afterburner, which has a performance monitor tab. Afterburner does have a temp monitor as well, which is another thing we should consider!
  • Okay so in oculus's settings, there is a restart option which reboots all oculus software. I did that and it works great now, I'm guessing it maybe just wasn't optimized correctly for the CPU or something along those lines. Thank you for all your help!
  • That's very possible. Sometimes it just doesn't know how to properly communicate with the new hardware. Glad you got everything working! 
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