Chicago Microcenter | Ryzen 5900x/5950x Availability, Restock Dates, Limited Availability?
Good Morning MicroCenter community!
I have heard from a few people that the Chicago Microcenter has shipments on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Is it true that these are the dates, and are the days that Microcenter would get the new CPUs?
As well as that, I was wondering what "Limited Availability" means on the Microcenter website. Some of the Zen 3 processers show "Limited Availability" when looking at Chicago stock online, while others show "Sold Out." Does Limited Availability mean there are 1-2 CPUs left, or does it mean something else?
I have heard from a few people that the Chicago Microcenter has shipments on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Is it true that these are the dates, and are the days that Microcenter would get the new CPUs?
As well as that, I was wondering what "Limited Availability" means on the Microcenter website. Some of the Zen 3 processers show "Limited Availability" when looking at Chicago stock online, while others show "Sold Out." Does Limited Availability mean there are 1-2 CPUs left, or does it mean something else?
Hey @Demic and Good Afternoon!We do typically receive shipments on those days, however, with the high demand for recent products we've expidited our processes for which our items are sent to our stores. So we really don't have an ETA for when we'll expect a new shipment in our stores.Limited Availability can mean that we have some in stock, however, it could mean that a voucher has been given out and the person with the voucher has yet to purchase the item. Because of the unique circumstance with these new releases, we have adjusted it to show Limited Availability.I hope this explains this well for you. Please let me know if I can assist further!
LandShark said:Hey @Demic and Good Afternoon!We do typically receive shipments on those days, however, with the high demand for recent products we've expidited our processes for which our items are sent to our stores. So we really don't have an ETA for when we'll expect a new shipment in our stores.Limited Availability can mean that we have some in stock, however, it could mean that a voucher has been given out and the person with the voucher has yet to purchase the item. Because of the unique circumstance with these new releases, we have adjusted it to show Limited Availability.I hope this explains this well for you. Please let me know if I can assist further!
Excellent! Glad I could help. Hopefully, you'll be able to get one soon!
No Vermeer processors at Chicago location this morning
Thank you @LandShark for that information! Do you know if the same holds true for the Westmont location?
Yes, @Eric_G90. That info would hold true for all our stores.
@Demic @Captain_OmNoms Any lucking picking up a 5900x at the Chicago location? Flying in tomorrow from Arizona and was hoping to try a Micro Center.
thedude2 said:@Demic @Captain_OmNoms Any lucking picking up a 5900x at the Chicago location? Flying in tomorrow from Arizona and was hoping to try a Micro Center.
They have some 5600X in stock right now if you hurry. They might have to wait till after 3 pm since thats what this morning's voucher says they can release them at
I'm going Christmas shopping and I'm looking at some stuff I had in the cart and the lian li rgb 16 pin is sold out does anyone know when it restocks?
Flu said:I'm going Christmas shopping and I'm looking at some stuff I had in the cart and the lian li rgb 16 pin is sold out does anyone know when it restocks?
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