Difference between Razer Blade RZ09-03017EM8-R and RZ09-03017EM2-R

edited June 2021 in General Discussion
Hello, I've been looking for a laptop and found these two refurbished models in the store. I've tried asking in the Q&A section of one of the listing but have had no luck getting answered. I'm trying to figure out what the differences between both models are? Some googling suggests it might be related to screen refresh rate, is that correct?
Since I'm here already, I'd also like to know if the laptops are refurbished by MC or some 3rd party shop.
Hope its OK to ask this here!
Thanks in advance.


  • From what I can see on our site these appear to be the same item. It could be a different screen refresh rate, as you mentioned, since the refresh rate is not listed on either specification. Unfortunately, I don't have direct access to these devices.
    I'd recommend visiting our store, as our sales associates in the store would be able to directly help you with this. You should be able to get a hands on look at these items while you're instore. If you're able to find an answer while in the store I'd be most grateful if you share what you find out with us!
    The refurbished items are done by another party. MC does not refurbish any items that I am aware of. Good question!
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