New PowerSpec G436 stopped working

Bought a new G436 with RTX 3070 card Friday. Was working fine, then stopped working. Seems to power up, monitors come on, but thats it. Can't get into start up screen/bios. Checked connections, all the standard checks, don't see any issues. Under warranty but anything else I can try before taking it in?


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes

    This system has EZ debug LED's on the motherboard, just above the 24 pin ATX. Which LED is lit when the system is powered on?
  • Thanks for the response. Went thru the routine with phone tech support with no luck. System was off for about an hour. Was going to box it up to return. Decided I'd try the monitor cables. (I had tried changing the monitor on the new computer previously with no luck, but had used same cable). Used HDMI cable instead of display port cable and hooked it up to my laptop, and the monitor worked. Used old cable to confirm it was the cable but found it still worked, so definitely not the monitor or cables. Turned on new computer after it was off about an hour, reconnected same monitors I was using before, and everything worked again. Really odd. Concerned maybe something with the graphics card or board after it gets hot.  I'll have to see if it happens again, and if so, I'll check for the LED error code. Hoping is was an odd one time thing. Thanks again.
  • That is really odd! I'd recommend running some hardware monitors while your system is on. Checking to make sure that it doesn't overheat while idle would be a good idea!
    Hopefully, this doesnt repeat itself!
    Let us know if anything does change.
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