FIRST Robotics Team in Need of Assistance

Hello, my name is Joshua Wentworth and I am a mentor for a First robotics team in the Kansas City metro area (FRC 1987). Recently my team has started meeting in person as the school district allows but in person attendance of students and mentors is limited due to social distancing constraints. We have been thinking through various ways of incorporating team members remotely and believe that a 360° camera would enable more students to be involved and immersed in our activities while absent. However, Covid 19 has also been a burden on our financial situation due to our inability to fundraise during the off-season, putting a large purchase such as this out of our reach. Therefore we are reaching our to ask if you would be willing to sponsor our team by donating a camera. Sponsors of the team get their logo put on our robot and their business announced at regional competitions and you would also be helping engage the next generation of young minds in STEM activities. We look forward to hearing back soon.

Thank you for your consideration,

Joshua Wentworth


  • JS_MC
    Hey, @jgwentworth96 Welcome to the community!
    I'd be happy to share your information with our leadership at our corporate office.
    If they are able to offer anything to you, they'll reach out to you directly using the email address you provided when you signed up to the community!
    Thank you!
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