PS5 Specs & FAQ
The next-generation console from Sony is a visually striking offering with incredible performance. Consoles are making huge leaps and bounds in performance, growing closer and closer to PC visual quality and features. The PlayStation 5 even allows you to add additional internal storage by installing your own NVMe M.2 SSD.
What’s the difference between the PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 5 Digital?
Sony has released two different versions of the PS5. While there are differences, performance is not one of them. However, the PS5 Digital edition does not have a disc drive, meaning you’ll have to download all of your content.
Is the PlayStation 5 Backward Compatible?
Sony mentioned that the PlayStation 5 is compatible with an "overwhelming majority" of PS4 games. Some PS3 and PS2 titles are playable via PlayStation Now. That being said, the controllers have much more limited compatibility. PS4 controllers are only compatible with PS4 games, so you’ll have to buy new controllers to play new PS5 titles.
What are the specs of the PlayStation 5?
x86-64-AMD Ryzen Zen2 8 Cores / 16 Threads @ 3.5GHz (variable frequency)
AMD Radeon RDNA 2-based graphics @ Up to 2.23 GHz (10.3 TFLOPS)
16GB GDDR6 / 256-bit
Memory Bandwidth 448GB/s
Internal Storage
Custom 825GB SSD
Expandable Storage
External Storage
USB HDD Support
Optical Drive (optional)
Ultra HD Blu-ray (66G/100G)
"Tempest" 3D AudioTech
HDMI Out port Support of 4K 120Hz TVs, VRR (specified by HDMI ver 2.1)
Ethernet (10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, 1000BASE-T)
IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax
Bluetooth 5.1
What is the price of the PlayStation 5?
The PlayStation 5 $499.99 | The PlayStation 5 Digital Edition is $399.99
The PlayStation 5 offers stunning visual performance at 4k up to 120hz and an immersive experience with its new system hardware and DualShock controllers. Unlike Microsoft, Sony didn’t offer two different performance options, however, they did offer two different price options. If you’re okay with having no physical game disc for your console, the PS5 digital edition is an excellent choice for you.
With these new consoles offering 4k up to 120hz will you be upgrading your TV to fully enjoy these new consoles?
@LandShark do you know when we'll be able to order/pickup PS5s at Micro Center?
Do you have update to when you will be selling the new gamine systems?
Apologies, but at this time we don't have an update. Sony has decided to only sell the PS5 online at this time. As soon as we know more about when we'll be selling the PS5 in our store, I'll update our piece here. Definitely keep an eye on our website as well!
will the ps5 be released somewhere on black friday
Hello @Naseer Apologies, but at this time we don't have an update. Sony has decided to only sell the PS5 online at this time.
so, not possible to do pick up in 18? seems like target is allowing in-store pickup for orders placed online?
I apologize, but at this time we do not have the PS5 in stock.
Any update on if micro center will have the console Atleast on Black Friday?
Will you have any before Black Friday or are you saving them for Cyber Monday?
Is microcenter planning on have the ps5 in stock for cyber monday?
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